Sunday, August 19, 2007

Know your user: Video clip comedy depicting tech support interaction with someone transitioning from ancient scrolls to books

This funny video clip highlights the idea that developers can not assume that users share similar approaches to learning new applications and technologies!

I noticed version of this videoclip, entitled "Old School Help Desk", posted on Ladonna Coy's (ladcoy)Technology in Prevention blog.

The scene depicts two medieval European men making the transition from scrolls to books. One man plays the role of the "low-tech" user, new to the concept of "books". Even with the patient support from the help-desk guy, the poor soul continues to be baffled by the book-opening, page-turning, and book-closing process.

If you watch the clip to the end, it closes with a humorous interaction with the new-fangled book's tech manual. The clip has English subtitles, but it is clearly funny in Norwegian.

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