Thursday, November 24, 2011

Update: Links from Interactive Multimedia Technology!

Revisiting Good Blogs:  Innovative Interactivity (II) - A Digital Watering Hole for Multimedia Enthusiasts
Mind/Shift Blog Post:  Read, Hear or Create a Story: Apps for Traveling with Kids - and great related links!
Camera-less Tabletop Computing with Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft Surface with PixelSense
Is the answer Voronoi?  Looking for possible solutions to an art+dance+music+tech idea from a recurring dream.
Art+Tech: The work of Aparna Rao and Soren Pors - a TedTalk worth watching!
Revisiting Good Blogs:  IDEUM update
Link to a great rant about interaction design.  It is all about the hands, screens and surfaces, not so much!?
Revisiting Good Blogs - Web of Things: "Architecting the Web of Things for Tinkerers and Hackers"
Visiting New (to me) Blogs:  Learning WebGL
Revisiting Good Blogs:  Space and Culture
Quick Link:  68 interesting ways to use an iPad in education
Building Interfaces for the New Decade
Google Chrome Web Store!
Le Chal:  Smart shoes for the Visually Impaired
Call for Papers:  Educational Interfaces, Software, and Technology, a workshop at CHI 2012
Interactive Large Displays in Urban Spaces:  Communicating Energy Usage through Duke Energy's "Smart Energy Now" Project
Quick Link: iPads and Autism - 60 Minutes Segment
What would it be like if pens were "banned" from classrooms every Wednesday?  Video clip by Mick Waters, not just for teachers and students!
Make and Share Your Games Online!  Update: Game Creator and the Cartoon Network Website
T(ether): Next-Gen Data Gloves + iPad:  Just what I needed for the colder weather!
Google Labs RIP
RENCI Update:  Combining Gaming and Visualization
Hacking Autism:  Touch Technology for Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Stantum's Multi-Modal, Multi-Touch Technology: Looks Great for 21st Century Learners; Supports Creative, Collaboraitve Knowledge-Sharing

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