Sunday, October 18, 2009

Link from A global network of people using mobile technology for social impact

I came across the following article via Experientia's Putting People First blog:

Deconstructing Mobiles: Myths and Realities about Women and Mobile Phones.  The article, written by Anneryan Heatwole, of,  discusses how mobile phones are utilized among women in a variety of societies, including third-world countries.  It points out some of the myths and also provides some interesting insights regarding the "access divide".  The article is worth the read. I found it  good food for thought and further discussion.

Here's some information about from the website:   " connects people, organizations, and resources using mobile technology for social change...We are committed to increasing the effectiveness of NGOs around the world who recognize that the 4.5 billion mobile phones provide unprecedented opportunities for organizing, communications, and service and information delivery...We work together to create the resources NGOs need to effectively use mobile phones in their work: locally relevant content and services, support and learning opportunities, and networks that help MobileActives connect to each other. With these things on hand, tens of thousands of NGOs will be in a better position to enrich and serve their communities....The community includes grassroots activists, NGO staff, intermediary organizations, content and service providers, and organizations who fund mobile technology projects...MobileActive is committed to expanding the knowledge and experiences about the use of mobile phones and to accelerating the use of effective strategies and tactics while reducing the learning costs for organizations." 

MobileActive Team    MobileActive Press

MobileAction's Mobile Data

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