Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wise Words from Bill Gerba and Adrian J. Cotterill; Digital Signage and Digital Out of Home (DOOH) : DOOH Media Summit, Screen Media Expo

Two great resources about the digital signage industry are Bill Gerba, who works at WireSpring and writes for the Digital Signage Insider blog, and Adrian J. Cotterill, the Editor-in-Chief at Daily DOOH (Digital Out of Home).   The big news is that many companies related to the digital signage industry are going through the merger and acquisition phase.  Below  are a few articles from the digital signage sages:

Bill Gerba, 4/28/10, 

Bill Gerba, 3/31/10

Adrian J. Cotterill, 4/29/10 
Gail Chiasson, 4/29/10

DOOH Media Summit, in association with MediaWeek, at Screenmedia Expo Europe
May 6, 2010, Earls Court, London

Screenmedia Expo Europe Conference Threads
"Screen Science identifies examines and clarifies the complex relationship between users and viewers of digital signage and digital out of home media taking into consideration elements that influence this relationship including place, space, time, ability, propensity, intent and desire."
"If Screen science tells us about engagement mechanics and mechanisms, then On screen brings this to life for the benefit of viewers and users. This is fine art; the art of balancing commercial requirements on one hand and creating rich, dynamic, proactive and responsive content on the other."
"Technology has driven the digital signage and digital out of home revolution. As adoption has increased, costs have decreased and today’s sophisticated digital out of home products and services now mean that rather than asking what they do, it’s simpler to ask what they don’t do."
"If Screen feed examines contemporary technology issues, Futurology looks to the imminent future and explores in detail what technologies, methods and approaches are likely to shape the development of digital signage and digital out of home networks in the next three years."
"There is no doubt that mobile phone usage will have even greater impact on how business reach customers when out of the home. As an out of home channel, screen media has a golden opportunity to develop approaches, products and services that embrace this trend, to integrate narrowcast and interactive media with mobile phone users to provide significant value to users and commercial partners."  


Look Around!  Films leave cinemas for the streets!

"ART BY CHANCE is a brand new Ultra Short Film Festival will take place from 7 May to 4 June 2010 in more than 20 countries and over 100 cities worldwide. For this festival, you don't need to buy a ticket or go to a movie theater! Movies just pop into your lives in subways, buses, airports, shopping malls, trains, sports centers, art galleries, museums, plains, campuses, cafes and bars! Internationally selected and "TIME" themed creative short films catch you unexpectedly while traveling in the subway, waiting at the airport, shopping or just strolling around."

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wrapping my head around f8 and Facebook's OpenGraph: The goal is to create a connected, mapped web that is more "social, personalized, smarter, and semantically aware."

During the mid-2000s I took a few courses related to web-development and internet programming.  This was before the twitterfacebookyoutube era.  There's a lot of catching up to do.

Today, I'm watching a few videos from the recent f8 conference. It took place on April 21st, 2010 in San Francisco.

So what is f8?

"f8 is a Facebook conference where developers and entrepreneurs collaborate on the future of personalized and social technologies. At f8, members of the Facebook team and the developer community will explore a variety of topics including new tools and techniques, business growth strategies and open technologies." -Facebook

You can find more f8 videos by following the link below:

Here are some tidbits of info from the first video:

  • The number of people using Facebook via Facebook on mobile devices is rapidly increasing.
  • More than 400 million people are on Facebook
  • One step permission is now available for developers and users, users will be clear about what permissions they are given.
  • New policy allows websites to store Facebook users' permission data beyond the previously imposed 24 limit.
  • Facebook is ramping up to handle monitory transactions:  See
During the first video, Open Graph is discussed:

  • "Open Graph puts people at the center of the web, becoming a set of personally and semantically meaningful connections between people and things".
  • Facebook maps out people and relationships of the online "social graph".
  • Pandora maps out musics, Yelp, small businesses.
  • News websites map out current events and news content
  • The goal is to create a connected, mapped web that is more "social, personalized, smarter, and semantically aware."
Somewhat Related:
Microsoft announced the day of the f8 conference. The description is in the fourth video.  It links with Facebook and was designed to be "social".

    Sunday, April 18, 2010

    MIT's Personas application: Online visualization of querying and categorization system that searches and displays traces of YOU! (Metropath(ologies) Installation)

    MIT's Personas application: Online visualization of querying and categorization system that searches the internet for digital traces of YOU!

    "Personas shows you how the Internet sees you.  It is a critique of data mining, revealing the computer's uncanny insights and inadvertent errors. It is meant for the viewer to reflect on our current and future world where digital histories are as important, if not more important, than oral histories, and computational methods of condensing our digital traces are largely opaque and socially ignorant" - Aaron Zonman (creator of Personas)

    I know that I'm all over the place on the Internet.  One of my assignments several years ago was to create and maintain a blog, and at that point, I no longer was anonymous.  The damage was done.  Below are three versions of my name as seen by the Personas application.  If you happen to have lots of information on the web, the application limits the search in a random fashion.  The first two screenshots were two entries of the same version of my name, but the results were a bit different.

    Personas Home Page (From the home page, you can link to information about how the application works. It uses natural language processing and topic modeling to generate the visualization.)

    Here is the Personas application in the form of an interactive exhibition, "Metropath(ologies)":

    Personas was created by Aaron Zinman, with help from Alex DragulescuYannick Assogba and Judith Donath

    Friday, April 9, 2010

    Former table-top and multi-touch research at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory ( MERL) 1999-2007

    Today, I came across a summary of the research at MERL from 1999-2007 on the Scientists' Discovery Room lab website.


    Shen, C., Ryall, K., Forlines, C., Esenther, A., Vernier, F.D., Everitt, K.,Wu, M., Wigdor, D., Morris, M.R., Handcock, M., and Tse, E.  Informing the Design of Direct-Touch Tabletops (pdf).  Interactions September/October 2006.

    Here are the current research projects of the SDR Lab:
    Multiple Representations for Learning
    Rehabilitation Intervention Tools
    Thoreau's Woods