Friday, May 3, 2013

Linkfest (for your tech-reading pleasure)

Here's an update of links to posts from my Interactive Multimedia Technology blog.  Similar content can be found on my Pinterest boards.

OpenPilot: A Next-Gen Open Source Autopilot Approach to Aerial Videography

XBox Kinect in the OR: Kinect supports gesture interaction with 3D imaging of the patient, while operating.

Telemedicine in Schools:  Promoting Health (and Mental Health)

InteractiveTV Today (ITVT): Links to information and updates about CES 2013, via Tracy Swedlow.

Gesture Markup Language (GML) for Natural User Interaction and Interfaces

CCRMA Summer Workshops: Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics

Disney Research: Touche, Touch and Gesture Sensing

AirHarp for Leap Motion, a Responsive Musical Natural User Interface

Tips for Apps and the Web:  Designing for Teens, Part I

Part II:  Websites and Apps for Teens and Education

Designing for Touch & Gesture:  Tips for Apps and the Web (Updated)

Affinity+: Semi-Structured Brainstorming on Large Displays, from Pacific Northwest National Library

Call for Papers:  Human-Computer Interaction and Learning Science

Update:  What's New for Kinect?  Fusion, real-time 3D digitizing, design considerations, and more.

Interactive MaKey MaKey:  "An Invention Kit for Everyone" - Video Preview

Google Glass and Kids- BYOGG?  Quick links to MIT Tech Review Post - and more

Leap Motion:  My Dev Kit Arrived - Now What?  Thoughts About "NUI" Child-Computer Tech Interaction

Google Earth and Leap Motion

Quick Post/Videos:  Evolving Soft Robots (Cornell's Creative Machines Lab); Leap Motion + Google Earth Experiment (PO-MO)

Little Digits Counting and Early Math App, by Cowly Owl- Chris O'Shea

Interesting Videos I Almost Missed (Future/Emerging/Creative Tech)

The Uncanny Valley is Here!  Activision's real-time character demo is chilling real.

What happens when a 2-year-old wakes up to the sound of the Google Map Lady? "I CAN'T turn left right now!"

Pixel Press:   Draw, create, play and share games, without code, now on Kickstarter.

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